Monday 3 March 2008

I have been reading a blogg from down under called "down to earth" about a wonderful woman and her husband , they live as self reliant as possible. The lady that runs the sight has a regular swap, this time it is tote bags, the time before it was tea cosies, so in response to this I have decided to make my own swap with like minded sewers. I have decided to ask a friend to join in and to see what we can come up with. So tote bags here we come.
My mothers day started on Saturday morning with my eldest bringing me my breakfast in bed and continued on Sunday she made extra cards for me and was as helpful as could be.I had made a big pan of stew which I managed to freeze half some vanilla slices which I knocked up on Sunday afternoon. I went upstairs to find a dungaree pattern for my middle girl and some denim which I had stashed away ,I also found some very pretty floral material which I had forgotten that I had. I let the chooks out this morning I have 2 baskets of ironing to do ,I will be out this afternoon training for the race and hopefully wont get snowed on.For tea to night the kids will be having jacket spud baked beans and cheese, fruit crumble and custard think that hubby and me will be having omelet.To nights jobs will be cutting out dungarees and tacking them together for fitting tomorrow.