Saturday 1 March 2008


Well its Friday again, and it is the end of Febuary I really dont know where the months have gone,so I look in the tin where all my Ironing money gose and it is empty!I have just paid out for the chooks food and the rabbit food, put petrol in the car,paid the milkman and that is it Ive got no shopping money.All is not lost it just means that I have to use all my resources and look at what I have got apposed to what I have not.So last nights meal consisted of home made pizza and jelly,custard and sprinkles.As I was looking for what I had got ,I found the last of the lamb for stewing and I am in the process of making stew doubble the amount so I can use the other half for pies or cottage pie.Tomorrow afternoon I will be making quiche and some jamtarts for tea because I will be using the stew for mothersday.I have found some cotton linen mixed material so looking through my stash of patterns I have found a dress that is quite plain and can be accessorised so quick to cut out and quick to sew up.I think that Saturday will be catch up on the washing and putting more seeds in.